Monday, October 26, 2015

Google Fiber - Dynamic DNS Setup on an EdgeRouter

Google Fiber's Network Box supports several dynamic DNS providers but I wanted to use one they don't currently support called Now that I have a router that can supports almost any dynamic DNS provider I can configure it!

Here's how to set it up on a Ubiquiti EdgeRouter.

From WebUI:
Go to the Service Tab
Then go to the DNS Tab
Press the "Add DDNS Interface" button
Select interface eth1.2 (assuming eth1.2 is your WAN interface)
Select afraid for the service
Set your hostname, login and password
Set the server to
Press the Apply button

From CLI:

set service dns dynamic interface eth1.2 service afraid host-name
set service dns dynamic interface eth1.2 service afraid login dyndns
set service dns dynamic interface eth1.2 service afraid password 123456
set service dns dynamic interface eth1.2 service afraid server

Testing the new configuration

From CLI:

Run this command to force an update:
update dns dynamic interface eth1.2

Run this command to see the status information for dynamic DNS.
show dns dynamic status

interface    : eth1.2
ip address   :
host-name    :
last update  : Sat Oct 17 10:53:36 2015
update-status: good

If you have any uppercase letters in your username, convert them to lowercase when setting your username on the EdgeRouter. (The site is converting your username to lowercase when you login and the API calls the dynamic DNS client tries to make will fail if your username doesn't match exactly.)

Additional Resources:
Guide from Ubiquiti's Help Center on Setting up Dynamic DNS

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